Selasa, 06 Maret 2012


What a most beautiful gift. After 3 months being a wife of nice and a kind husband, to have a baby sounds great and will be good. I was dreaming to have a baby. And today Allah SWT answer our pray (my pray and my hubby) he make our dream come true. Having urine test to proof it, i went to the lab myself. The company where my hubby and i work, have a hospital nearby. Doctor said congratulation to me. dr. Mul asking wheter this is my first time to be pregnant and remind me to have monthly check up.
My hubby and me are like to make a joke, as if a baby inside my tummy. Continuing our life with a new member, a small baby will be a new adventure and a blessed gift for my big family. He or she will be the first grandchildren of my family either him.
Realizing a small baby growing up inside there make me fell li'l bit weird. But i like it. The wonderful stage of a woman. 9 month carying my lovely baby. im gonna love it. thank you Allah that you trust us to be parent. alhamdulillah